Friday, 1 November 2019

Review: The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

Title: The Hazel Wood
Author: Melissa Albert
ISBN: 978-0-151-38866-3
Publisher: Penguin

Rating: 4/5

Think you're too old for fairy tales? Think again!

It's been a while since I blogged - life got in the way, although I have been reading....this one is worth a blog post!

This is Alice's story, a girl with the most phenomenal bad luck who tries to stay one step ahead...until her grandmother whom she's never met dies, and her mother is stolen away.

I couldn't put this book down! I found Alice to be a fiesty, spirited character, and I adore Finch her friend, who comes across as a sweet loyal fan boy in spite of his families wealth and obvious relationship neglect. I don't want to ruin the storyline, but this had me wondering where on earth the author was going and then realising that it was all as it was meant to be....although maybe my thought that Alice and Finch might be more than friends could have gone somewhere....I also felt that some actions should have consequences, but that everything worked out as best it could...

This was an absorbing read - I enjoy Andrew Lang's fairy stories, along with Grimm's Fairy Tales. I think Melissa Albert has managed to bring her own spin on fairy telling to life just as enjoyably.

Footnote; this particular book found its way into my hands thanks to the Open Access service of our local library - like a kid in a sweet shop!

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